Our vision is to create an affordable, dynamic & reliable development platform on the cloud.
Our vision is to create an affordable, dynamic & reliable development platform on the cloud.
We want clients to move from managing spreadsheets to managing integrated pieces of data and visual content, which can be shared, secured, linked, statused, and presented.
We treat all content as data by turning any unstructured content into structured data, then ensure all structured data is associated with valid metadata. By using web services, we can architect interoperability and openness, making data assets more freely available in organizations and between companies in both the private or public sectors.
Our approach supports device-agnostic and security controls. Attributes can be applied directly to the data and monitored through tracking analytics that enables administrators to focus on securing the data and not the device.
All stakeholders follow the same rules by using open standards and validation. This also allows users to automate the presentation layer from mobile applications to websites.
Cloud technology helps us work together to reduce costs, streamline development, apply consistent standards, and ensure consistency in how we create and deliver information.
The IDN Platform is a data-based repository and flexible toolset that provides unified workflow, reporting, and administration engines for use across an organization. We are able to share resources more effectively, which allow us to “innovate for less”.
We disseminate lessons learned from early adopters, leverage existing services, build for multiple use cases at once, and use common standards and architectures to dramatically improve development.
Our customers influence how we create, manage and present data through web portals, mobile applications, raw data sets, and other modes of delivery. We ensure quality information is accessible, current, and accurate at any time whether the customer is in the office, at home, or in the field.
Employees and contractors interact with the organization’s information and services, finding and completing transactions more efficiently than other web applications. To engage customers more, we also:
Make content more broadly available and accessible, and present it through multiple interfaces in a device-agnostic way;
Make content more accurate and understandable by maintaining plain language and content validation standards; and
Offer easy access to key staff to ensure we continually improve service delivery.
IDN innovates in a way that enables safe and secure delivery and use of digital services to protect information and privacy. We strive to balance between the need to protect sensitive data and the realities of a rapidly changing technology landscape.
To support information sharing and collaboration, we build in security, privacy, and data protection throughout the entire technology lifecycle. To promote a common approach to security and privacy, we streamline assessment and authorization process, and support the principle of “do once, use many times”.
We adopt new solutions in areas such as continuous monitoring, identity, authentication, and credential management that supports the shift from securing devices to securing the data itself and ensure that data is only shared with authorized users.